Tentrem Hotels are always inspired by their main mission to introduce and preserve the richness of Indonesian culture and traditions. Departing from this mission, Tentrem Hotels introduce their latest special culinary event entitled "Tentrem Ing Rasa."
Tentrem Hotels from 3 cities, namely Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Jakarta, collaborate to present a harmony of taste in a meaningful dining experience.
Held simultaneously during this month of Ramadan, Tentrem Hotels from 3 cities, namely Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Jakarta, collaborate to present a harmony of taste in a meaningful dining experience. Through Tentrem Ing Rasa, 4 Tentrem Hotel Chefs collaborate to present signature dishes from their respective cities in turn.
Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta will be present on March 8-9, 2025, Hotel Tentrem Semarang on March 13-14, 2025, and Hotel Tentrem Jakarta on March 21-22, 2025. Guests will be surprised by the beautiful collaboration between Executive Chef Philip Walasary from Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta, Executive Chef Alfi Ardian from Hotel Tentrem Semarang, and Executive Chef Ivan Mangundap from Hotel Tentrem Jakarta, all of whom are under the direct leadership of Hotel Tentrem's Executive Chef, Chef Sky Lee.
"Tentrem Ing Rasa is a space for us to channel our expertise in creating culinary creations that not only satisfy the taste buds but also present an in-depth experience of Indonesian cultural heritage," explained Chef Sky Lee.
Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta
Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta presents classic Yogyakarta specialties, namely Gudeg, Sate Klathak, Mangut Lele, and Mie Lethek. The gudeg presented is also different from usual, namely Gudeg Manggar, gudeg made from young coconut flowers. Another surprise is presented by Chef Philip Walasary in the dessert, namely Gudeg Ice Cream and Pecel Lele Ice Cream.
On March 8-9, 2025, Tentrem Ing Rasa can be enjoyed at Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta for IDR 400,000 net per person.
Hotel Tentrem Semarang
Hotel Tentrem Semarang presents Babat Gongso and Salmon Asam Gelugur menus, innovative dishes from traditional cuisine.
On March 13-14, 2025, Tentrem Ing Rasa can be enjoyed at Hotel Tentrem Semarang for IDR 485,000 net per person.
Hotel Tentrem Jakarta
Hotel Tentrem Jakarta presents delicious and appetizing Bebek Cibeber and Ayam Bakar Rabeg.
On March 21-22, 2025, Tentrem Ing Rasa can be enjoyed at Hotel Tentrem Jakarta for IDR 588,000 net per person.
Tilem Ing Tentrem
Not only that, Hotel Tentrem also presents a CSR program called Tilem Ing Tentrem. Through this program, a donation of IDR 10,000 from each room sold during the month of Ramadan will be donated to support children with cancer in a halfway house managed by the Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Jakarta.
"With this program, guests can not only enjoy a comfortable stay at Hotel Tentrem but also take part in the mission of helping children fighting cancer. The funds collected will be used to support facilities, daily needs, and educational activities for children undergoing cancer treatment," explained Sunu Prabowo, Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing at Hotel Tentrem.
For reservations and further information, guests can contact the WhatsApp number of Hotel Tentrem in Yogyakarta (+62 811-2925-147), Semarang (+62 811-2865-721), and Jakarta (+62 811-9005-7936).