Coinciding with the Chinese New Year celebration on February 10, 2024, Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta held a live painting event. Collaborating with "DedokBali ArtStudio" and 10 painters from Yogyakarta and Magelang, Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta under Banyan Group aims to be a platform for the painting community to express their art. The painters painted on the spot in 10 spots in the resort. The paintings will be exhibited for one month, starting February 10 - March 10, 2024, at Kopi Zop, Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta’s Bar and Lounge.. The exhibition titled "Canvas Crescendo" will be open to the public. So that art lovers can come and enjoy the paintings of these painters.

"Crescendo" is a choral term that indicates a change in dynamics. The crescendo is sounded in a soft voice and then gets gradually louder. Metaphorically, "Crescendo" describes a painting process that starts with a blank canvas (something pure and soft) and then slowly fills it with strokes of paint. This process involves emotion, intuition, and inspiration that are poured into the form of artwork. This "Crescendo" process inspired Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta and DedokBali ArtStudio to collaborate with 10 painters. The painters will capture the visuals of the architecture and natural ambiance at Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta and pour them into strokes of art on a blank canvas. These ten painters have different characteristics, so of course the results will be diverse and enrich the point of view.

Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta's existence in Yogyakarta has an unbreakable connection to its rich arts and culture. In line with the value of the "Garrya" brand which always chooses cities with high artistic, cultural, and historical values, Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta is committed to becoming a place for artists to showcase their work. "Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta views that any work of art is the result of the artist's contemplation and is done mindfully. One of them is a painting. This activity is a form of appreciation for painters and the results of live painting will be displayed directly in the exhibition. We will support this positive activity," said Ridwan Heriyadi, General Manager.
In the future, Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta will not only focus on one art community but will also collaborate with various art communities around. So that the presence of Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta can have a positive impact on a wider audience.
Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta
Pandowoharjo, Sleman - Yogyakarta
P: (0274) 2888888