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Oh, the Universities They’ll Go!

Bali Island School - College and University Fair 2022 

Bali Island School held University Fair on 29th September 2021 with 44  universities in attendance. 

After organizing the event online for the past two years, BIS hosted more than 44 participating  colleges and universities with students joining from all around Indonesia to choose from 16  workshops, who had an opportunity to meet individually and in small groups with university  representatives. It is the goal of BIS to prepare our students for entry into the university that will  provide each student with the best fit and a life of learning after graduation. 

“The BIS Virtual University Fair offers insight into the different opportunities of each university for  prospective students. With 16 workshop themes from universities coming from parts of the world,  students can hear first-hand from the university representatives about what they are looking for  in the students. Students will even get the opportunity to get tips on writing a personal essay or  developing an art portfolio. In general, University Fair broadens students’ perspective on  universities worldwide.” said Noortje Janssen, the K-12 School Counsellor of Bali Island School. 


Janssen also added “The event gives parents knowledge about the universities the students are  aiming for, application requirements, tuition, and information about financial aid. It is the perfect forum for private discussions with the representatives, and definitely more comprehensive than  emails." 

Adrien from Grade 12 said “The university exhibition was a turning point for me as the event  enabled me to narrow my university search. I was also allowed to ask more precise questions about  the universities to all the representatives. The workshops were valuable since they assisted me in  understanding what the institutions wanted of me. The university fair has helped me tremendously  in my life from High school onwards.” 

Bali Island School
Jalan Danau Buyan IV No. 15 Sanur, Denpasar, Bali – 80228 Indonesia
+62 361 288770
+62 361 285103