The education system in Germany is highly favoured within the realm of academia due to its plethora of international universities conforming to the best quality and providing a quite comprehensive set of educational programmes. Universities in Germany are evidently among the oldest universities in the world.
Potential university students are required to meet Abitur, a qualification based on continuous tests over the past years, including the final school exam. Even so, certain regulations impose exceptions and truthfully also vary depending on the subject, the university, and the state that hosts them.
Are you still conflicted about your or your child’s university options in Germany? Let’s take a look at the country’s finest universities below.
Top Universities in Germany
Freie Universität Berlin

Known as the largest of the four universities in the city of Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin focuses on social sciences, humanities, as well as health sciences and natural sciences. Freie Universität Berlin was named the best university in Germany, ranking sixth in Europe and 27th in the world.
University of Mannheim

Being one of the youngest universities in Germany, Manheim was initially a college of economics and commerce. It eventually was inaugurated as a university in 1967. The University of Mannheim managed to achieve the top 10th for the disciplines of accounting, economics, informatics, and informatics economics.
University of Bonn

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, easily regarded as the University of Bonn, is a German higher education institution that also has extensive facilities and infrastructure in the country. Founded in 1818 and located in the city of Bonn, north of Rhine-Westphalia, this university is also considered to have comprehensive educational facilities and programs, ranging from Bachelor’s, Master’s to Doctoral, for various fields of study.
Technische Universität Darmstadt

Technische Universität Darmstadt is known as a research-based university. It became the first university in the world to establish education in electrical engineering and created the world's first faculty of electrical engineering, dating back to 1877.
Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Rurprecht Karl Heidelberg University is one of the country’s oldest universities to date. The university, located in Heidelberg, has been established since 1386. In its early days, the university consisted of only four faculties: theology, law, medicine, and philosophy. At least 16 faculties have now been offered since 1969.
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

The university, also known as LMU München, has prompted many world-famous scientists such as Gustav Heinemann, Konrad Adenauer, and many more. LMU München has a series of the best majors that are widely targeted by prospective students in the world, namely law, accounting, natural knowledge, economics, and informatics.
Universität zu Köln

Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne) is one of the largest universities in Germany. Several Nobel laureates, Kurt Alder and Peter Grunberg, have graduated from the university that provides a variety of faculties. Such faculties include management, economics and social sciences, law, medicine, the arts and humanities, mathematics and natural sciences, and also humanities.