Keep yourself informed about Indonesia, or Jakarta especially, through these chambers and business associations. Get any updates about expat events, business networking events, as well as expanding your business contacts while living in the city.
1. Indonesia-Australia Business Council (IABC)
The Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC) is a business association representing private sector business interests in commercial relations between Indonesia and Australia. Established in 1989, the IABC is a result of the merger between DKSPIA or Dewan Kerjasama Pengusaha Indonesia Australia (Association of Indonesian and Australian Businessmen) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Austcham). The IABC is regarded as the key bilateral business council and works very closely with the Indonesian Government and the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. This allows the IABC to represent the business and commercial interests of Indonesian and Australian businesses engaged in investment and bilateral trade, through to Government levels.
World Trade Center, 16th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta Pusat
P: (+6221) 5211540
2. American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham)
AmCham Indonesia is a voluntary organization of professionals with commercial activities in Indonesia. Its central mission is to promote US-Indonesia commercial relations and to serve its members as a key resource for information and business networking. First formed in 1971 as a committee, AmCham Indonesia has grown to hundreds of members representing more than 250 companies. AmCham Indonesia aims to become the advocate of choice for its members’ business interests, applying a unique capability that provides access to primary avenues of influence for policy and regulatory issues in Indonesia.
WeWork Revenue Tower level 25 District 8, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.8, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
P: (+6221) 50645071
3. Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC)
ICCC was formed through the merging of two existing independent organizations. The Canadian Business Association which largely represented Canadian business people in Indonesia, while the Indonesia Canada Business Council which largely consisted of Indonesian business people interested in closer business ties with Canada. Feeling that much effort was duplicated, it was agreed that one strong organization was preferable to two smaller ones, and both organizations decided to merge. Subsequently, we have expanded operations where now we also represent Canadian business interests in the International Business Chamber. This group actively lobbies the Indonesian government to ensure that the views of international businesses are heard when new legislation or regulations are being discussed.
Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce
Gedung Menara Astra 37/F
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 5-6
Jakarta Pusat 10220
Phone: 021 3115 4557
Whatsapp: 0812 1329 7910
Facebook: Indonesia Canada Chamber ofCommerce
Instagram: indonesiacanadacham
Twitter: @ID_ICCC
LinkedIn: Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce
4. British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (BritCham)
The British Chamber of Commerce has been established since 1999 and builds on a British business presence that extends more than a hundred years. Working in partnership with the British Embassy (DIT) and the British Council, whose senior representatives sit on the Board of Management, BritCham is committed to developing a services infrastructure that supports all stages of business development right from their inception in Indonesia. To the members and a wider business community, we represent an independent and reliable source of information on issues. This covers politics, current affairs, security, health, inside-track analysis from the business sector groups, advocacy, personal and social development. In addition, the Chamber provides tremendous media opportunities for promoting and advertising to a dynamic business community.
Wisma Metropolitan I F/15, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta Pusat
P: (+6221) 5229453
F: (62-21) 527-9135
5. German Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (EKONID)
Since its founding in 1924 and the reopening in 1970, EKONID has become a reliable and competent business partner for German and Indonesian companies. EKONID’s expert knowledge ranges from market information and new business relations, law and management consulting, trade fair and event management to advertising and promotion. EKONID sees itself as a responsible member of the Indonesian society and is active in countless development projects. The goal is to continuously improve its company, network and service activities. Furthermore, EKONID wants to be a respected partner for all business-related fields and the German and Indonesian society as a whole, in order to act as an important link for trade and investments to both countries.
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115, Jakarta Pusat
P: (+6221) 3154685
6. Danish Business Association
DANCHAM is established with the aim is to create a strong business network with ties to regional peers, other Nordic business chambers in Indonesia and, last but not least, the Danish trade council under Embassy of Denmark in Jakarta. The business community in Indonesia has a long history and DANCHAM is founded on the roots of Danish Business Association (DBA), that stretches back to 1984. The name change indicates new energy and we strive to build a stronger and modernized version of the organization. Our events will be built on the concept of inspiration and networking in a non-formal setting.
Alamanda Tower 23rd Floor Unit B, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 23-24, Jakarta Selatan
7. European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Eurocham)
EuroCham Indonesia aims to be the sole representative of European business interests in Indonesia. EuroCham Indonesia works to improve the policies and advocates improvements in strategic regulations for a better business environment in the country. It is the mission of the EuroCham Indonesia to serve the member-companies by being the voice of their business interests in Indonesia, through advocacy work and by lobbying on trade and investment-related issues. Working alongside EIBN EuroCham Indonesia aims to improve market access for European companies through information sharing and a pro-active advocacy dialogue with the government of Indonesia, representing a pan-European industry voice.
World Trade Centre 5, 13th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta Pusat
P: (+6221) 5710085
8. Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)
KOTRA (Korea Trade Promotion Corporation initially, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency since 1995) is a state-funded trade and investment promotion organization operated by the Government of South Korea. KOTRA was established in 1962 as a national trade promotion organization. Since then, it has facilitated Korea’s rapid[citation needed] export-led economic development through various trade promotion activities such as overseas market surveys, SME export promotion,trade info services, government-to-gov’t export, foreign investment in Korea(FDI) promotion, and business matchmaking.
Wisma GKBI, 21st Floor, Suite 2102, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28,. Jakarta 10210
P: (+6221) 5741522
9. Indonesian French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI)
IFCCI has been established since 1986 and a member of CCI France International, an association of Overseas French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. IFCCI gathers the French and Indonesian business communities with the objective of developing bilateral professional contacts. IFCCI mission is to contribute on developing and fostering commercial relations between France and Indonesia.
Jl. Wijaya II No. 36, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
P: (+6221) 5208261
10. Singapore Chamber of Commerce Indonesia
SingCham Indonesia was officially inaugurated on 18 May 2006 in Jakarta by Indonesian Minister of Trade H.E. Mari Pangestu and then-Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia H.E. Edward Lee. SingCham aims to promote the business interests of individuals or companies operating in Singapore and/or Indonesia. With rapid growth of Singapore investment in Indonesia, SingCham aims to promote co-operation among business people in both countries through various networking activities, events and dissemination of useful information for its members. As the only Indonesia-wide business chamber representing the Singaporean business community in Indonesia and with the Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia as its Patron, SingCham is in a unique position to play the liaison role between the Singaporean business community and the Singapore Government and between the Singaporean business community and the Indonesian Government.
It is a non profit membership fee-based organization.
c/o Embassy of The Republic of Singapore, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Block X/4 Kav No. 2, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
P: (62-21) 8370-6732
11. India Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (INDCHAM)
India Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (IndCham) is an association of corporate entities and people having interests in promoting economic and business interest of Indonesia and India. Established in 1977 under name of Economic Association of Indonesia & India (ECAII) and in 2011 changed its name into India Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (IndCham). With a view to promote the development of economic relations between Indonesia and India, IndCham’s objective is to assist existing joint ventures between the two countries in their legitimate plans and objectives and their relations with state and other agencies in both countries or elsewhere. As well as keep in touch with social and cultural institutions in order to promote understanding, co-operation and friendship.
c/o. PT Indonesia Wise Office 4, Ground Floor, Simprug Indah, Jl. Teuku Nyak Arif, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
P: +62 21 29329841/42
Email :
12. Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
JETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is an organization related to the Japanese government, which works to promote trade and investment relations between Japan and other countries in the world. It was established in Japan in 1958 to promote exports from Japan to other countries. JETRO Jakarta was established a year later, in 1959 and has proven to have improved bilateral economic relations between Indonesia and Japan.
Summitmas I, 6th Fl., Jl Jen. Sudirman Kav. 61-62, Jakarta Pusat
P: (+6221) 5200264 (Hunting)
13. Malaysian Chamber Jakarta (MCJ): Connecting Malaysian & Indonesian Businesses
The Malaysian Chamber Jakarta (MCJ), established in 1990, is a non-profit organization focused on fostering business relationships between Malaysia and Indonesia. With members from various industries, MCJ promotes Malaysian business interests while strengthening cultural ties through partnerships. Visit to learn more about MCJ's initiatives and membership opportunities.
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