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Bandung Yoga Day

Bandung Yoga Day

bandung yoga day

Bandung Yoga Day is back!

It's been 7 years since the last Bandung Yoga Day. Collaborating with the Wellness Festival, we're going to have fun together again at Bandung Yoga Day 2 ❤️


Mark the date! October 7th and 8th, 2023. 

Let's do yoga together, practice with teachers who have come all the way from Bali!!

Featuring @hendritake, @murnimadeyoga, @itsmaytjio, @rahmasavitri_, @zhou_cink, @yulitjahyadi, @birddeckz


This time, Yoga Day will be held for 2 days! And in one day, there will be 4 classes and 1 mini workshop.

You can choose: 2-day pass (classes only) or 2-day pass with mini workshop (very limited)

If you can't make it for 2 days, you can still join us for: 1-day pass (classes only) or 1-day pass with mini workshop (limited spots)

And if you feel like you can't attend many classes, we also offer Single-class tickets and mini workshop tickets

There are so many options... Choose according to your needs, but honestly, it's a great experience to spend the whole day because the class schedule is designed for holistic satisfaction!


Ticket prices start at only 200k

For registration for Bandung Yoga Day at the Wellness Festival: bit.lyWellnessfestival2

Get more detailed information by clicking the link above. If you have more questions, please contact: Grace at 08122168187 Or DM @thesanctuarywellnesscentre @elementsyogastudio

Tickets are limited, so it's first come, first served. See you on the mat, beautiful souls!

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